
Shrimp Crop 2021 Review

  • 24 Feb 2022
  • On February 24, 2022 SAP conducted its review of the shrimp crop in 2021. In the closed doors event in which about 30 invited participants presented regional and sectoral reviews of shrimp aquaculture in India in 2021. The results revealed a surge in farmed shrimp production to a little more than 900,000 tonnes in the year. As always, Andhra Pradesh contributed more than half of this production. Just three districts, Krishna, West Godavari and East Godavari, contributed to half of India's production (and more than what Indonesia and Thailand, some of the top ranking producers in the world contribute now) and the increase in this region was the reason behind India's surge too. A detailed report based on the review is under preparation and will be shared towards the end of March.