K. Madhusudan Reddy has unanimously elected as the new President 2023-2025. He is SAP's Founding Member and has held various positions in the organization. He was the Vice President of Events during the 2020-23 term and we did Aqua India 2022, Shrimp Crop Reviews 2020, 2021 and 2023 and Fish India 2023 under his leadership.
He has a capable team comprising of Sandip Ahirrao, Vice President (Membership); G. Ramesh, Vice President (Events); Mohanty Shrinibas, Vice President (Education); P.K. Senthil Kumar, General Secretary; D. Vijay Anand, Joint Secretary; Jaideep Kumar, Treasurer; and Simon Chelladurai, Joint Treasurer.
SAP continues its steady journey and completes its 19th year and enters into its 20th year!
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